A Time to Rest


Happy New Year! 🥳

Today begins the change of the liturgical calendar. Advent begins, a time to prepare for the coming of the birth of our Lord and Savior. As we spent the last week with my uncle in Florida, most of us were sick with a cold and HAD to rest. To be honest, I’m not one who likes “being still”, waiting for the sickness to pass, but once again, God had a perfect plan for this.

Our amazing extended family gladly took the opportunity to care for us in every way they could. All we had to do was to soak in the love and peace they gave to us as we reluctantly relaxed. I’m sure we would have noticed the beauty of their sacrifices for our family if we were not sick, but by being forced to be still, it magnified them much more. We needed them, and they received unspeakable joy being there for us. They even offered for us to stay longer! 💕

Isn’t that what the Lord wants to offer to us in this time of “waiting”? Like our beautiful family, He wants to shower us with His love and peace as we recognize and reflect on the sacrifice He has given. And like our family, He ENJOYS being there for us.

Crazy, right?

Every year we hear about not getting caught up in the rush of the “season of giving”. I think this was another great reminder for us that “being still” and waiting for our Lord to come isn’t all that bad. I pray we intentionally make opportunities to rest as we wait for the greatest gift He has given to us- His life. ♥️

Have a blessed Advent, Y’all!


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