Happy World Mission Sunday!
Happy World Mission Sunday!!
This past week we celebrated the life of St. Luke the Evangelist on October 18th. He is the author of the Gospel According to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. This “beloved physician” (Colossians 4:14) made his first occupation to spread the gospel, serve all God’s children, and make disciples by sharing what was handed down to him. It is in his writing where we find the story of the two walking to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). We LOVE this passage and its impact in our lives and our entire community with the Emmaus Retreats, based on this scripture passage.
You can imagine our excitement when we found that Emmaus was Pope Francis’s theme for this year’s World Mission Sunday - Hearts on fire, feet on the move! We want to share this message with you here: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/missions/documents/20230106-giornata-missionaria.html
This message impacts ALL of us. Not just our family, not just those who give to this ministry, but for EVERYONE who has had an encounter with our Lord. We must not keep this amazing love to ourselves, but to share it in a world that needs it so much, wherever we are located. We are ALL missionaries - in our families, in our workplaces, in our communities, in our prayer chains, in ALL of our circles, we are invited to allow God’s love to spill out of us. This gift we have been entrusted with is meant to be shared. Like St. Luke, this is our first occupation. I am not saying it is always comfortable and easy, but I can promise you, your faithfulness to the one who loves you most will be reciprocated much more than you can ever imagine!
So, before you head to church today. Pray. Ask God to show you opportunities to share his love around you. The ripple effect is real. Intentionally look for ways to impact your world. Actually talk to the person sitting around you when you worship today. SMILE. Don’t just give money, give TIME. Pray with your family and intentionally make an effort to pray with a stranger. The prayer doesn’t have to be long.
"It is not lengthy prayers, but generous deeds that touch God's heart."
–St. Arnold Janssen
Before your head meets the pillow, reflect on ways you were a missionary today. See how the small things add up, how God uses the little moments to yield a crop thirty, sixty, or even a hundredfold!
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